Monday, April 28, 2008

Fashion Magazines

I went to Safeway to pick up cat food and a prescription. The line at the pharmacy was longer than I expected, so I picked up the closest reading material -- a fashion magazine. This is what I learned: 1) It's okay to change your birth name if you beg your parents long enough; 2) babies need $36 silver slippers and a faux fur when they go out at night; 3) reality TV shows are the best place to tell your spouse you are not in love so you can both be happier a lot quicker; 4) Rudy Huxtable has never been on drugs; and 5) I need a new filmy, polk-a-dotted, black dress for my spring collection. Wow! I gave myself one big, fat pat on the back for getting something right -- I'm definitely living "in the world" and not "of the world."


Bear of Very Little Brain said...

Snicker, snicker! Polka-dots not your thing. Happy wedding! Give hugs to everyone. Miss you, wish we were there. Love, Nat

Jenny said...

Reading those magazines always makes me feel so "blick" (one of Grandpa'a words), so I know what you mean. They do help pass the time on an airplane however...

You are so faithful about blogging - I love it! Thanks for your sweet comments on mine. I'm thinking about you guys - especially AD and Scott - since tomorrow's the big day! Please post pics! I love you, and hope we get to chat soon.
